I have competed in 6 Mustang Makeovers, winning the Fort Collins Extreme Mustang Makeover and competed in Top Finals Performance in all but one. I received a mustang from a random draw and had 90 to 100 days to train the horse. I then went and competed on them.
Superem Extreme Mustang Makeover
Fort Worth, TX
September 2012
( Competed on 2 horses placing in the top 20 on both)
Lil' Bit
12th Place
Snake Farm
18th Place
Mustang Magic
Fort Worth, TX
January 2012
January 2012

Fort Collins Extreme Mustang Makeover
Fort Collins Colorado
June 2011
I received "Boggle" in March and fell in love with him. He wants to please. I really enjoy spending time on him. He has tons of athletic ability and yet is quiet enough with the kids. He did everything I asked and did really well with the pressure. The faults and flaws at the competition were mine and not his.
Ft. Collins
Team Extreme Mustang Makeover
June 2010
I received Pokie on March 5th 2010. I spent a lot of time getting some ground control and then a lot of time with cows. I really liked this horse. He was way gentle and really good around the kids. At the competition we where sorted into teams. I was on Al Dunning's team. We spent all of our free time learning. By the end of the week we were both tired. Pokie didn't do as well as I had wished but I think he was tired from all the practice.
Mountain Valley Mustang Makeover
Heber City, Utah
November 2009
I received Jim Beam on August 7th, 2009. He was a fun horse. He was really athletic and wanted to work. I spent most of my time doing cow work on him. He was a horse I would have liked to keep around for myself.